
11 Feb 2012


IMG_4316.JPGRecently my niece visited London and one of her highlights was the visit to Hamleys. That's how I felt yesterday at the zChocolat tasting at the Woldorf hotel, but unlike my niece zChocolat didn't put a cap on the number of chocolate I could have that evening.
zChocolat offers a large selections of fillings and the shell is the same and numbered, where different number is for different filling. There were few chocolate to taste with different shape, like the giant heart shaped one, but I thought it's out only for Valentines day.
My favourite ones are the Z (got a letter and not a number). I tried the milk and white shell.
I liked also the little hearts filled with soft salted caramel.
and numbers 11, 14, 15, 21 and the Amore.
I couldn't try them all, as probably I had to half them and just give a small bite, but it seems not many did that.
You can view their catalogue online.

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